
Driving is a strategy

Today's 7:30-8:10pm play-by-play:

She merges to the far right lane. Overtakes the truck via lane 2 and comes back in front of the minivan in lane 3. Waits to get space. Moves in and makes it in front of the corolla in lane 4. Yes!

How I got there -
So I understand it's LA and there HAS to be traffic ALL THE TIME, but 7:40ish on a Sunday night is not exactly what I would consider traffic time. I guess I was wrong...

The WHOLE WAY back to my apartment I had cars around me. Now granted, it wasn't stop and go (thank GOD), but it was the kind where you can't go faster than maybe 60. Ugh. Now normally I go home on Sundays around 10pm when I hit no one but a few stragglers on the road that drive at a rather comfortable speed for me. But I had a paper to write and I left my book at my place so I needed to chop chop home early as possible. Clearly I'm still adjusting.

So I decide to be the most efficient driving strategist, I need to figure out a plan to maneuver around these old, stubborn trucks and sedans that can't keep up with the speed of the night.

I overtake the annoying early 90s corolla that's impeding my acceleration. You know, there's a sign that reads "Slower Traffic Merge Right" on the 60. Stubborn drivers. As I think to pull another merge and overtake scheme, I see a black Ford Taurus to my right. Is that a cop car?

Ugh! I hate Ford Tauruses... they ALL look like cop cars at night and I don't want to take the risk.. After someone so kindly told me that sometimes the po-po aren't marked, they just have those extra side mirrors, I am far more cautious of the possible highway deception.

I also drove cautiously on the 10 a few miles before the fork where the left lane comes awfully close the center divider. I mean really, really close. So close you think you'll hit with the slightest glitch. So close that you contemplate changing lanes to the right to protect your precious automobile but you don't because you don't want to slow down when you're SO close to home. You know? After my roommate lost her side view mirror after a vicious attack by the fob indicator in our garage, I'm scared for Maximus' side protrusions. But I was relentless nonetheless.

I made it to my place in roughly 42 minutes - 12 minutes slower than last Sunday but still better than mapquest.
Is it just me or has that Tattoo Expo sign on the 10 W been there since ... 1990?
Aaron, I'm here.

Word from the wise

The two left lanes on the 10 east - about 1 mile before you reach "the fork" - make your car sound funny. Whether it's Maximus with the problem, my tires, or my traffic-induced hallucinations, watch out for some funky sounds because I don't get them in the other lanes.

How much gas does a social life buy?

Not much.

I filled my tank Thursday afternoon (around 6pm-ish).
I filled my tank Saturday morning (11am-ish).

That's pathetic. I drive too much. But you know what? It's not the driving that bothers me, it's the gosh darn traffic that CONSUMES me. I mean, it drains so much I need anti-depressants for every time I hop on the freeway.

Thursday (for dinners with friends and professors) -

I drove from my apartment in South Central LA (ye-ah!) to Hollywood and then to Westwood and then back. Roughly 35 miles total that took nearly two hours to complete. Welcome to LA, right? I made some great observations:

1) Ugly cars drive slower than the nicer ones - however, the occasional not-so-great car with the frustrated college student goes at a better speed
2) People who are not going to drive above 65 feel some kind of liberation driving in the left lane because they hold back us "reckless" drivers.
3) Sometimes, the second lane from the farthest ride is the best one because no one suspects it! It's the best keep secret that only works 10% of the time.
4) After someone mentioned it to me, I see now that bald men like convertibles. Again, whether embracing their hairless head is liberating or they like the sunny glow, it's quite common.
5) We need public transportation.

Friday (for shopping and unprecedented frozen yogurt) -

Drove from my apartment to Pasadena...medium traffic
Drove from Pasadena to my apartment...traffic
Drove from my apartment to my home...unimaginable traffic - and sigalert.com is NOT reliable

1) I HATE THE 60 FREEWAY - it has the ugliest scenery, cars, and meanest drivers.
2) USC license plates are everywhere before I hit the 60.
3) I wish I had a jet by now...

Saturday (for hanging out and charity) -

Drove from my Chino Hills home to West Hollywood
Drove from West Hollywood to Culver City
Drove from Culver City back to West Hollywood
Drove from West Hollywood back to my home...MAJOR TRAFFIC ON A SATURDAY?!?!!

Why do they call it "stop and go" traffic anyway? Isn't it more like "stop and try to go?"

I almost fell asleep on my way home today. When I can't speed, weave, steadily drive, or chat with someone, the sleepy comes to get me.
If you're ever bored, call me... I'm probably driving.